Thursday, 27 August 2020

Reading 2020

 Reading 2020

What are the benefits of reading

The benefits of reading are…

  • Getting a better job, since you're more intelligent

  • Keeps you entertained

  • Helps you learn words

  • Helps with mental health

  • Helps with loneliness

You can also  learn to . . .

  • Cook

  • Do creative things

  • Read new words

So start reading now!

How often do you read, and what sort of books?

Even though you have heard me say the benefits of reading, I don’t read that often. One session of 10-15 minutes a day is all I read. so in a week, I read for about 70 minutes. The types of books I read are non-fiction, factual books. But sometimes I read roald dahl books.

What is your favorite book, and why

My favorite books are the guinness book of world records books, because I get to see people doing incredible things. Like drinking a 1L bottle of water in a second, or the fastest origami bird, made in 10 seconds. There's so many cool world record you can see and also try to beat. I haven't beaten any yet but it's really fun to try.

What is the best part reading a book?

To me, the best part of reading a book is getting into the best parts. When you read for a while you start to get a picture of what's happening in the story. You pretty much just imagine so hard that you are in your own world. That is the best part of reading.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Mobile Phones for Children

 Mobile Phones for Children

Are mobile phones good for children, and why?

No mobile phone are not good for children. Your child doesn't need more screens than they already have. They could get sleeping issues, medical issues, and there mental health won't be as good, either. But if they need to call you in an emergency, Phones are the perfect thing to have. Your child will have complete control to contact you whenever they need.

How could mobile phones help you both in and out of school?

Mobile Phones are capable of a lot of things, Calling is one of them. Being able to call your parents at will, is a luxury at times. If your late from coming home from school, your parents will be worried. Unless they know the reason why your late. If you have a phone, you can tell them that your coming home soon.

What are the risks of children owning a cellphone?

The risks of buying a Phone for your children are high. They will have access to everything on the internet. And yes, They will also be able to see inappropriate content such as...
  • Violence
  • Inappropriate images of human beings
  • swearing
One more thing to say, computer and laptops, etc. Also have complete access to to internet. So if your child has one of these, and you trust them. You can buy them a phone.

At what age do you think children should get a mobile phone, and why?

I think that ages 11+ are good to buy your child a phone because by then they will ...

  • Be a trustable age
  • Be hopefully mature enough
Also if everyone in your child's class has a phone get them one or they will be lonely. Another thing to say don't buy your child a phone when you got one. It's a new generation so new technology.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Success 2020 Quick Write

Success 2020 Quick Write

What does success mean to you and why?

To me, success mean achieving something i've reached for, for a long time. Like finishing priorities quicker than usual, or drawing an art piece that i'm really proud of. These are things that are success to me, doing well in a video game may be a form of success to some people as well.

How do you measure success

The way i measure success is how far you are into your goal, and how hard the goal is to complete. If your goal is really hard, Than i would think that you would be more proud of it than any of your easier successes. Also The effort you put into your goal counts too, if you don't putin any effort than you won't feel as proud

Does it matter if you don't always succeed, and why? 

No it does not matter if you succeed or not, If you fail you learn . If you succeed, good for you, when you fail you learn and you'll do it better next time. If you don’t succeed, and you give up. You will never win, this is what you call a loser. Don't give up and you'll succeed.


Choose someone you think is successful and describe why you think they are successful.

I choose Bill Gates, I think that he got success by showing resilience and investing time and effort following success. He probably also took a lot of risks and chances. Also he probably needed encouragement to keep going and to not lose hope. He knew that it takes time and effort to succeed.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Household Chores 2020

Household Chores 2020

Should children help with household chores?

Yes I think that children should help with household chores, because it gives a child a sense of proudness. when children do household chores, like folding clothes, It makes them feel proud and happy. If your lucky you may even earn some pocket money. Another thing is you can't make your parents do all of the housework, they need more rest than you, and it's nice to help out sometimes.

What household chores would you enjoy doing, and why?

If I could choose between all the chores, I would choose either mowing the lawn, or washing the dishes. One because I get the most money from them, two because my parents hate doing them, and three because I feel proud when I finish them. 

What household chores would be your least favorite, and why?

My least favorite chores would probably be... folding clothes, making my bed and putting away the dishes. I don't like these chores because they are very time consuming, and boring. Putting away the dishes is so boring, Once my Mum turned of my PS4 and made me put away dishes. Sad isn't it.

If you could choose between homework and household chores, what would you choose, and why?

If I could choose between household chores and homework, I would choose homework because I do it already. It is an expectation in my family, and I have to do it. Also it is surprisingly quick too, Chores take like half and hour, and homework takes like 10 minutes.